A week of work

 Tuesday was a work day, and I had good success working from the Los Alamos Library. There is a nice place on the third floor.

Wednesday, worked and went back to Albuquerque in the evening to See Mom.

Thursday, worked from the Quelab makerspace, which was quiet and had good internet. Thanks to Brother Dan for buying me a one month membership!

Thursday I realized I needed to finish up the Button-activated mode of the Exhibit. I figured it would take me an hour after work, but I was going until way past midnight. But the results are great! There are three modes:

  • Standby mode, where you can reset the exhibit, move the ping-pong balls around, and won't trigger the sensors.
  • Button Mode, which turns on the sensors for 45 seconds, and randomly fires a tube every 5 seconds. I set it up so that there is a light inside the button that turns on when you select button mode, and goes off during the 45 seconds that the exhibit is in action, to show the button is no longer active. Then after the exhibit turns off, the light comes back on to show the button is active again.
  • Demo mode, which turns on the sensors. This requires that a) you have set up the tubes in standby mode so no tube has so many balls that it interrupts the IR beam and triggers the sensors and b) someone has to inject a neutron manually. This is the traditional mode.
Finally got the Exhibit delivered shortly after lunch -- Again thanks to Dan who helped me package it up and get it in the truck.

On the road again. Not sure where. Campground in Bernallilo has my name on it for tonight.


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