Labor Day Weekend, Part 2

 Well, the sleeping bag liner was worth it. Slept warm and awoke to another great sunrise.

This campsite was more a patch of grass than a pile of dirt.

Back on the road to Los Alamos, snagged a campsite at Bandelier, and headed off to Mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. After mass, met with the Pastor, Fr. John, and he said I could show Little Pinocchio in the parish hall after 9 am Mass. So a third open house!

This is a nice place at the Church to say a rosary:

Took a trip up to Camp May by the Pajarito Mountain Ski Slope. 
Los Alamos, from half way up the mountain

Back at the Juniper Campground, I asked the Camp host if I could have a Star Party. She let me use an unoccupied campsite, and broadcast the event on her evening journey around the campground. I did a little walking around and advertising as well. 20+ people showed up for a nice clear night of stars. We viewed Jupiter, Saturn, the Andromeda Galaxy, a nebula, and some clusters, as well as 10+ constellations and, of course, Polaris. Some of the kids enjoyed coming by before dark to peer into the telescope and see the internal workings. Used my Celestron 6" Schmidt-Cassegrain with Vixen tripod and and also my Astrotech 3" refractor on a camera tripod, which didn't work quite so well, even though I had fixed the focus. Probably I just need more experience working it with the camera tripod. 
Overall a huge success!

Monday I needed a boring Admin day. So I took it. Another night at the Juniper Campground, but too cloudy for star viewing. Also, trying to figure out a good place to work. I think the Library will be my best bet.


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